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이수정, 대한민국 선교 초석

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-10-18 09:50 조회559회 댓글0건


옥과 출신, 이수정 선생

국내 이수정 연구 최근 동향?

*박용규(총신대 총장)

박용규 교수가 이수정 관련 교회사적 의의를 밝혔다.
1882 이수정 일본 입국.
1882 농학자 즈다센 만남과 복음.
1883 노월정(시바교회)에서 세례.
1885 (신약마가젼복음셔언Í) 출판.
1886 귀국.

성경을 가지고 입국한 사례는 한국이 최초다.

이수정 누구인가?
대친목회 단체사진.
주기도문 번역?!


이수정은 한국 선교의 초석이다.

*이수정 최근 다른 동향은 없는가?!

출처] 박용규, 최근 이수정 관련 사료 발굴과 교회사적 의의, 논문투고일 2018.05.14

【 】 Abtract
An Historical Significance of Recent Document
Discoveries on Rijutei (Soojung Lee)
Park, Yong-Kyu
(Chongshin University)

Many important historical documents on Soojung Lee (Rijutei) have been discovered by Korean scholars.
Among them Yoon-tae Oh and Kwang-in Lee played a very important role on this matter.
The missional works of Lee Soo-jung in Japan began to be revealed through their efforts.
Since then, the discovery of new historical documents on him during the last decade have provided new insights into Soojung
Lee's ministry in Japan.
Some of the representative discoveries are Soo-jung Lee's memorial photo after being baptized on April 29, 1883, which was printed in the Dong A Daily newspaper in 2008; Lee’s translation of the Lord’s prayer, which was opened to the public in April 2016; the annual report of the RCA Foreign Mission board, which contains Horace G. onderwood’s petition to send him as a RCA missionary to Korea; and after his petition was denied by the RCA,
Underwood’s requesting letter (dated July 10th 1884) to the PCUSA
foreign missions board to send him as a missionary to Korea, which 34 역사신학논총제집 32
was discovered in February, 2017.
Through these historical discoveries, it has become clear that Lee's missional activity in Japan was not limited to Bible translation but was quite extensive.
His works were broadly ranging from Bible translation, evangelism, testimony meetings, writings letters to American Christians urging missions to Korean, translation of the Lord’s prayer, introducing Korean culture to Japan, and teaching Korean language to Underwood when he visited Yokohama.
Although Lee was in Japan for less than four years, it would be difficult to find someone who contributed more to missions to Korea.
In this paper, we examine the historical significance of Soojung Lee’s
missional works in Japan centering on his translation of the Lord’s Prayer which was recently discovered, and Underwood’s letter which shows his determination to give himself to missions Korea after reading Lee’s letter.

Key Words
Rijutei, The Lord’s Prayer, Preparation for Korea mission, Korea mission in Japan, Bible Society Record.
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